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FC Launched Consolidation Phase of Sheneni Integrated Community Development Project in Jimma

Jun 01, 2024

Jimma Zone, Oromia National Regional State, June 1, 2024 – Today marks the official launch of the Sheneni Integrated Community Developmen

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FC Celebrated its 25th Anniversary

Mar 28, 2024

Addis Ababa, March 23, 2024 – Facilitator for Change commemorated a quarter-century of impactful service to the community with a grand celebratio

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FC - 25th Year in building better future for children

Mar 30, 2023

FC has contributed markedly to its mandate by empowering smallholder farmers, women, youth, and children across Amhara and Oromia region through pr

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Micro Project Fund Announcement1

Jan 17, 2023

Application guideline for Micro Project Fund 2022

Facilitators for change is (FC) a local nongovernmental organization estab

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Contribution of FC to prevent the spread COVID-19

Jan 16, 2023

Contribution of FC to prevent the spread of Corona pandemic virus at Jimma town

FC is supporting the disadvantaged target gr

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FC Bi-Annual meeting 2022

Dec 01, 2022

From June 13–15, 2022, Facilitators for Change (FC) held its bi-annual meeting in Jimma Town. All project staff attended the meeting and each sha

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Documentary film on SHG by CoSAP and LTV

Dec 01, 2022

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text

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Recreating the fate of our children

Dec 01, 2022

Facilitator for Change in partnership with SOS-Faim has implemented sustainable land management for a livelihood improvement project in the

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