Jimma Zone, Oromia National Regional State, June 1, 2024 – Today marks the official launch of the Sheneni Integrated Community Development Consolidation Phase (Phase III) Project, a critical initiative aimed at further enhancing the lives of children and communities in Seka and Mana Woredas of Jimma Zone.


Building on the success of the previous phases, Phase III of the Sheneni Integrated Community Development Project will continue to focus on creating a child-friendly environment and improving the socioeconomic conditions of the local population. This phase is especially significant as it consolidates previous efforts, ensuring sustainable and long-lasting benefits for the community.


The project, generously funded by Kindernothilfe (KNH) with a total budget of 36,294,630.84, will be implemented over the next five years, from April 2024 to March 2029. Phase III of the project has been developed based on the findings phase II project and recommendations provided by the stakeholders, and communities.

The Sheneni Integrated Community Development Project will work closely with community-based organizations (CBOs), smallholder farmers, women, children, schools, and other stakeholders in the project area. By engaging these groups, the project aims to achieve its objectives through a collaborative and inclusive approach.


Phase III will focus on consolidating gains from previous phases by enhancing community participation, improving access to essential services, and promoting sustainable livelihood opportunities. The emphasis will be on ensuring that the benefits of the project are deeply rooted in the community, leading to continuing positive changes.


During the launch event, representatives from local government, community and children representatives, and partner organizations expressed their enthusiasm and commitment to the project's goals. The project is expected to bring about significant positive changes, including better access to quality education, Social and Economic Empowerment of Vulnerable women, Promotion of children's Rights, House Hold Food Security and Market Promotion, and enhanced economic opportunities for families.


As Phase III begins, the Sheneni Integrated Community Development Project looks forward to furthering its objective of creating a brighter, more sustainable future for children and their communities.